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Natural charm DAYU Rejo


In administratis Dayurejo village located in the district Prigen, Pasuruan, East Java. And the village is geographically located on the north slope of the mountain below the ringgit. The east by the village and the village pajaran scissors jatiarjo excl. Sukorejo, west of the village leduk, north of the village bulukandang and the south by the forestry and forest. The village is divided into 6 pendukuhan include: klataan hamlet, hamlet lebaksari, gotean hamlet, hamlet dayu, talunongko hamlet and hamlet gamoh.
Dayurejo hamlet consists of four environments that have different names which include:
Dayu Krajan / Dayurejo

It is located in the southern or central part of the village Dayurejo thus became the name of the village has 6 pendukuhan with different names.

   Watu Dayu Flag

It is the northernmost section of the hamlet Dayurejo, led by one person and two people Rw Rt. Flag Watu name comes from one of the stones are in place that is considered sacred by most people. Inhabited by creatures who guard the place with the title Raden Panji Good Selo. That said Raden Panji Good Watu believe can give luck, a lot of the baskets (merchants) who want to market and coming home from the market put money or interest in the well at the time of the ceremony the bride accompaniment stop where it took off a chicken and flowers.

 Dayu Hot Coral
Located to the east of Dayu Flag Watu called that place was very short of water and rocky soil.
 Dayu Pepel is the most eastern neighborhood.  Word Origins Dayu
The word comes from the Javanese dayu the Malay word which means an escape, where the Dutch colonial era around about the year 1900 there was an escape from the island of Madura named Ram eke persuade the former hamlet dayu still a wilderness and uninhabited. Then coaxed these crowded forest clearing for agriculture and make it home to be occupied at the same time to avoid the pursuit of Madura were chasing him. To meet these Rame persuade his life farming in the area that has been in babatnya it until the point where his farm was used as a coffee plantation by the Dutch government. And to cultivate the plantation there are many workers who every day work in the plantation and settled on the farm until it formed a settlement which is nameless. Until one day there was one member of the public who gave the proposal to name the township.

Because once before there was a coffee plantation settlements in tripe by a runaway from the island of Madura was a Javanese language means that the Malay, the township was named the township "Malay". Due to the influence of the Dutch language is the Malay word gradually turned into dayu. And to this day the village is known as the dayu. And said the township is due to change the time of this settlement turned into a hamlet and a village was led by a Kasun.

  Community Tradition
         1. Village clean Ceremony held every two years, followed by several hamlets, villages including hamlets Dayurejo.
       2. Ceremony salvation sources held once every 1 year by the village. The ceremony was held in the spring. With the start by ulu-ulu banyu (water control) put offerings and chanting mantras. Mantra originated from the words of gratitude to the community over the coming water dayu hamlet.

  Origin Name Dayurejo

According to the stories of people coming from "Dayurejo" which means "prosperous guest" emerging belief that the people who come to the village dayurejo will be prosperous life.

Historical Relics
Relics that still exist in the village Dayurejo ancestral graves Doessonese Dayurejo called tomb "persuaded rame 'grave is still well maintained.

sumber :http://[]


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